Outreach Concerts


Four Seasons Theatre is in our 15th year of bringing musical theatre entertainment out into the community—and sneaking in some education, too. Our community outreach programming brings some of the best local singers into a variety of venues, armed with Broadway music and the stories of the composers, lyricists, playwrights, and artists who create it. Each year our outreach performers visit senior centers, libraries, schools, retirement communities...you name it, we’ve probably schlepped a keyboard there and performed. We bring live musical theatre to those who might not otherwise have a chance to engage with it—and we help our performing artists at the same time, both with financial support and with a chance to work new material into their repertoire.


Starting in February 2025, we are bringing the music of the Gershwin brothers to area retirement communities, civic organizations, schools, and senior centers as part of our Great American Songbook series. The songwriting team of George and Ira Gershwin created some of the best-loved songs in the Great American Songbook―songs like "Someone to Watch Over Me", "Embraceable You", "I Got Rhythm," "They Can't Take That Away From Me," and many more. Great local singers will share some of your favorite Gershwin tunes and introduce you to some lesser-known gems, all while you learn about the life and work of George and Ira Gershwin.


February 14
Prairie Gardens Assisted Living

February 21
Attic Angel Community

February 26
Capitol Lakes Retirement Community

March 6
The Cornerstone Community Center (DeForest)

March 19
Waunakee Senior Center (reservation required, call the Waunakee Senior Center at 608-849-8385)

April 10
Oakwood Village University Woods

April 25
First Unitarian Society's Noon Musicale series

May 16
Hyland Park of Sun Prairie

June 12
Oakwood Village Prairie Ridge

June 25
Oregon Senior Center


To learn more about FST outreach or request an outreach program for your community group, school, or facility, please contact us and we would be happy to help you. Our outreach programs are scalable for almost any size venue and any age audience.


We have researched, developed, and performed a wide variety of outreach programs over the years. Here’s just a sample:

  • The Great American Songbook: Cole Porter (2011, 2023)
  • Civil War Letters (2011)
  • The Great American Songbook: Irving Berlin (2012, 2024)
  • The Great American Songbook: George and Ira Gershwin (2013, 2025)
  • The Great American Songbook: Great Dames (2014)
  • The Best of Broadway: Rodgers and Hammerstein (2015)
  • Rodgers and Hammerstein: From Book to Broadway (2015)
  • The Best of Broadway: Loesser, Lerner & Loewe (2016)
  • The Poets of Tin Pan Alley (2016)
  • The Best of Broadway: Fiddler and Friends (2017)
  • The Stories of Fiddler on the Roof (2017)
  • The Best of Broadway: Stephen Sondheim (2018)
  • Words [and music] by Stephen Sondheim (2018)
  • The Best of Broadway: Jerry Herman and Kander & Ebb (2019)
  • The Wonderful World of Disney Musicals (2019)
  • The Best of Broadway: My Favorite Things (2020, 2022)

Lisa Mueller sings "Colored Lights"
The Best of Broadway: Jerry Herman and Kander & Ebb, April 2019.
Video: OCA Media

Amber Nicole Dilger sings "First You Dream"
The Best of Broadway: Jerry Herman and Kander & Ebb, April 2019.
Video: OCA Media

Cole Porter Songbook, March 2011.
Photo Credit: Mike Brown

The Gershwin Songbook, March 2013.
Photo Credit: Mike Brown

The Great Dames Songbook, March 2014.
Photo Credit: Mike Brown

The Irving Berlin Songbook, March 2012.
Photo Credit: Mike Brown